Due to import restrictions we are unable to ship Blueberries to CA,...
Blueberries are beautiful ornamentals for your home. Shiny bay-like leaves and lily of the valley type flowers rival any small shrub in beauty. Plants thrive with no spray and produce year after year. In our area of Virginia the following varieties ripen from May to November. Their fall color is vivid red, holding their leaves into December. These varieties are varied in ripening time, size of bush and flavor. This is the best list compiled for excellent all around choices. Blueberries are self-fertile. Never add stable manure or lime to your blueberry soil. Add generous amounts of peat moss to soil before planting.
Can not ship to CA
Trentberry Huckleberry
4.33 / 5.0
3 Reviews
Click here for Blueberry/Trentberry Care Guide Due to import restrictions we are unable to ship Trentberry to CA. Vaccinium spp Trentberry is a sou...
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