Shin Li Pear
Click here for Pear Care Guide
Pyrus pyrifolia
Shin Li is a very large to large fruit with a full-bodied pear shape (pyriform). Firm, white crisp juicy flesh and a sweet, yet tart flavor. The skin is light to yellowish-green. Tree is upright, with slightly spreading growth and resistant to fire blight. Storage life can be 5 to 6 months. Developed at UC Davis and is a cross between a Chinese pear variety and a Japanese pear variety. We have a favorable report on this variety from A J Bullard of Mount Olive NC. Korean Giant and Shin LI are his best fire blight resistant pears. Space 10' circle for semi dwarf and 15' for standard tree size.
Zones 4-8
Due to import restrictions we are unable to ship European or Asian Pears to CA, Europe.
Plant Characteristics | |
Pest Resistance | Good |
Disease Resistance | Very Good |
Drought Tolerance | Fair |
Heat Tolerance | Excellent |
Humidity Tolerance | Very Good |
Sun Tolerance | Excellent |
Wet Soil Tolerance | Poor |
Shade Tolerance | Fair |
No Spray | Very Good |
Salt Tolerance | Good |
Fresh for Kids | Good |
Deer Resistance | Poor |
Thorns | No |
Plant Type | Tree |
Soil Type | Adaptable |
Edible Type | Fruit |
Self Fertile | No |
This information is accurate to the best of our knowledge, comments/opinions are always welcome |
Due to import restrictions we are unable to ship Shin Li Asian Pear to CA,