Mulberries are not only easy to grow but also incredibly rewarding, offering an abundance of sweet, nutritious fruit early in the season. Whether you’re looking to add an ornamental tree to your yard or grow a fruit-bearing plant, mulberries fit the bill. These trees are hardy, disease-resistant, and require very little care, making them an excellent choice for busy gardeners or permaculture enthusiasts.
1. Placement & Spacing
- Spacing: Mulberry trees, depending on variety, need plenty of space to grow. The general spacing recommendation is:
- Weeping and Girardi Hybrid varieties: Space 6-10 feet apart.
- Other larger varieties: Space 15 to 30 feet apart, especially if they are summer-pruned.
- Shangri-La: A smaller variety that requires a 15-foot spacing.
- Location: Avoid planting mulberries too close to buildings, sidewalks, or driveways as the fruit can drop and create a mess. However, some varieties, like the Weeping or Girardi Hybrid, are small enough to be used as ornamental trees in smaller spaces.
2. Training the Weeping Mulberry
- Weeping Mulberry: If you have a Weeping Mulberry, training it is essential for a healthy, attractive growth habit.
- Initial Training: Start by selecting an uppermost bud on the tree and train it to grow vertically to about 6 feet. Pinch back lower growth to encourage the tree to focus on vertical growth.
- Mature Tree: Once the tree reaches 6 feet, it will begin to “weep,” with growth cascading from the top down to the ground. Over time, this creates a beautiful, private “fort” that can be enjoyed as a natural room or canopy.
3. Soil and Planting
- Soil Preferences: Mulberries are not particularly fussy about soil conditions. They are adaptable to a wide range of soil types, though they prefer well-draining soil.
- Planting Tips:
- When planting a potted mulberry, gently spread any circular roots at the base before planting them in the soil to ensure proper root development.
- There's no need to add fertilizers or manure to the planting hole—natural soil will suffice for initial growth.
- Keep the soil moist until the roots have established themselves, after which mulberries are more drought-tolerant.
4. Common Issues: 'Popcorn Disease'
- Popcorn Disease (caused by Ciboria shiraiana) is a fungal condition that causes the fruit to swell and distort, rendering it inedible. Varieties like Collier and Illinois Everbearing are more susceptible to this disease.
- Control: A study has shown that spraying Bacillus thuringiensis C25 may suppress the disease, reducing its impact on the fruit.
5. Late Frost Protection
- Late Frosts: Mulberries are generally resistant to late frosts. Varieties like Illinois Everbearing, Collier, and Weeping are less likely to be affected by late frosts since they leaf out later in the spring.
- Shangri-La and Pakistan varieties are more frost-sensitive and may lose part of their crop during rare frost events.
- Pakistan Mulberry: Known for its low chill requirements, Pakistan is a coastal variety that may be prone to frost damage if early warm weather is followed by a cold snap.
6. Pruning
- Summer Pruning: To keep mulberry trees manageable and at picking height, prune the summer growth in July. Cutting back about half of the new growth helps the tree bush out, making it easier to pick the fruit.
- Root Pruning: If the tree starts to crowd its space, consider root pruning by cutting out an exposed section of root. This can help dwarf the tree and keep it at a more manageable size. Making a circle at the drip line of the tree with a sharp shovel can also contain the roots and control the size of the tree.
7. Picking and Storing Mulberries
- Harvesting:
- Mulberries ripen quickly, and fruit should be picked when fully ripe, though they will still be sweet if slightly under-ripe. After a few days of ripening on the tree, they will lose some of their initial gloss and become their sweetest. They do not ripen more or become sweeter after picking.
- Rain can plump up the fruit, but it may reduce sweetness if excessive.
- An easy way to harvest is by tapping the tree and letting the ripe fruit fall into an upturned umbrella or a tarp spread on the ground.
- To separate ripe fruit from debris, use water: The ripe, sweet fruit will sink to the bottom, while the unripe fruit and debris will float.
- Storage: Fresh mulberries should be eaten shortly after harvest, but they can also be:
- Frozen for later use.
- Dried (Illinois Everbearing dried fruit is comparable to raisins).
- Used in cobblers, fruit leathers, or jams.
8. Uses and Health Benefits
- Culinary Uses: Mulberries are versatile and can be used in:
- Cobbler recipes.
- Fruit leathers and jams.
- Quick freezing or drying for long-term storage.
- Snacking fresh off the tree.
- Health Benefits:
- Mulberries are a rich source of antioxidants, which have cancer-preventive properties.
- They help to cleanse the blood, strengthen kidneys, and improve vision and hearing.
- Other benefits include aiding with constipation, treating anemia, and potentially slowing gray hair.
9. Conclusion
Mulberries are a low-maintenance, highly productive fruit tree, making them a perfect addition to any garden, especially for those with busy schedules. They are adaptable to various growing conditions and are resistant to pests and diseases. Whether you are looking to grow them for their fruit, beauty, or health benefits, mulberries offer something for everyone. With proper planting, minimal care, and occasional pruning, you'll be rewarded with a bountiful harvest year after year.
Enjoy the sweet, antioxidant-rich fruit of your mulberry tree, and take pleasure in knowing that it is also providing a valuable food source for your community.