Gaultheria Procumbrens 'Gaulbril'

Winter Splash is a variety of Wintergreen that has variegated leaves that are green and white that turn pink in the winter. White, lily of the valley type flowers in spring followed by red berries up to one half an inch in the fall. Prefers forest like soil of high organic matter, and does well in shade and semi shade.Wintergreen spreads from under the surface of the soil with spear-like roots that cling to particles of decomposing forest litter such as leaves, sticks, and bark, before they surface and leaf, spreading away from the mother plant. Also called Teaberry, wintergreen is a popular herbal tea. Spacing 6" apart. Zone 3-8.

Plant Characteristics
Drought Tolerance Fair
Heat Tolerance Good
Humidity Tolerance Very Good
Sun Tolerance Fair
Wet Soil Tolerance Fair
No Spray Excellent
Salt Tolerance Poor
Thorns No
Soil Type Fertile
Edible Type Berry
Self Fertile Yes
This information is accurate to the best of our knowledge, comments/opinions are always welcome

Wintergreen Care Guide

Wintergreen is native to the Allegheny region of the eastern U.S. Planting and care are very similar to blueberry, lingonberry and cranberry. Wintergreen is a ground cover with a shallow root system. It spreads by sending root shoots from the mother plant under the surface of the soil and leafing from the soil a few inches away from the mother plant. It spreads very well in a prepared bed of peat moss mixed with pine bark. We've planted them on top of the ground in two year old wood chips with success. If conditions of your prepared bed are optimum, you will have no problem growing wintergreen.

Wintergreen berries ripen in the fall, turning a beautiful red. They can be eaten fresh or used as flavoring in fruit salads. The leaves make a delicious wintergreen tea. As most of our plants, they are a healthful addition to any diet. also good to chew before kissing.

Good Luck.

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