Vaccinium corymbosum X Star is a southern highbush blueberry introduced in 1996 from University of Florida. Height 6'-10'(10' in the deep south) Ripens early with later (10 days) blooming habit,...
Pycnanthemum muticum Mountain Mint is an aromatic perennial native to the Eastern United States from IL to FL and west to TX. Good for tea and medicinal uses. This 1-3'...
Vaccinium ashei Reade Vernon blueberry is a new southern type variety that is hardy and adaptable. The firm berries are rated good to excellent flavor and large berry size. One...
Corylus americana A pretty hedge bush 6-8 feet tall. Native to the eastern U.S. Two plants are needed to set fruit. Very showy catkins in spring. Sweet small nuts ripen...
Vaccinium corymbosum x Arlen originated from the University of North Carolina Agriculture Research Station. A highbush type cultivar at a height of 5-6 feet at maturity. Very upright, with good...
Fragaria virginiana The native Fragaria virginiana or Virginia native strawberry is a spring bearing, soft, highly flavored ground cover. Fruits are delicate with sweet aroma. Plants spread by runner plants...
Aloe vera aloaceae Native to the SW, aloe is usually grown in pots in the eastern US for its medicinal uses. A good choice for a house plant, with size...
Very early season, highbush type. Vigorous, upright 5 - 6', 3' spread. High, consistent yield. Fruit is light blue, very firm and store well. Best in full sun. Zone 5...
Sambucus canadensis York is a native elderberry is similar to Nova except it ripens its fruits a few weeks later. Care free, and will pollinate other native varieties. Space 8'...
Native American Purple Leaf Filberts or Hazelnut are a purple form selection of American Filbert. A beautiful and edible addition to the yard, this deciduous shrub will naturalize, producing edible...
Prunus domesticata Damsons are naturally small trees 8-12' in height. In Europe, where they are native, they are so popular. And in the US many children grow up with Damson...
Amelancier x grandifol Princess Diana in Bloom Gracefully spreading 12'-15' bush with excellent red fall color, lasting late into the season. Shrouded with large white blossoms in spring, "Princess Diana"...