Description: Features dark purple-black leaves and pink flower clusters, maintaining its rich color throughout the growing season. It's highly ornamental and resistant to leaf diseases. This variety of elderberry fruits best when paired with another European cultivar, such as Cut Leaf.
Height: 8 feet
Spread: 6 to 8 feet in diameter
Hardiness Zone: 4-9
Plant Characteristics:
Pest Resistance: Very Good
Disease Resistance: Very Good
Drought Tolerance: Good
Heat Tolerance: Good
Humidity Tolerance: Good
Sun Tolerance: Good
Wet Soil Tolerance: Fair
Shade Tolerance: Good
No Spray Needed: Very Good
Salt Tolerance: Good
Fresh for Kids: Poor
Deer Resistance: Fair
Thorns: None
Plant Type: Shrub
Soil Type: Adaptable
Edible Type: Berry
Self-Fertile: No
This information is accurate to the best of our knowledge. Comments and opinions are always welcome!