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Malus spp. (Arkansas Black Apple)
The Arkansas Black Apple is an excellent permaculture tree, known for its deep red, winter-keeping apples. This tree is highly disease-resistant, self-fertile, and produces fruit that matures to its best flavor after a few months of refrigeration. Apples are harvested late in the season in our area and are perfect for long-term storage.
Chosen as a wildlife tree, the Arkansas Black Apple continues to hold fruit well into late fall, providing nourishment for birds and other wildlife. It thrives in zones 5-8 and has standard spacing of 20 feet in a circle for full-sized trees or 10 feet for dwarf varieties.
Note: Due to import restrictions, we are unable to ship Arkansas Black Apples to California.
Plant Characteristics:
Pest Resistance: Fair
Disease Resistance: Very Good
Drought Tolerance: Good
Heat Tolerance: Very Good
Humidity Tolerance: Very Good
Sun Tolerance: Very Good
Wet Soil Tolerance: Poor
Shade Tolerance: Fair
No Spray Needs: Fair
Salt Tolerance: Fair
Fresh for Kids: Fair
Deer Resistance: Poor
Thorns: None
Plant Type: Tree
Soil Type: Adaptable
Edible Type: Fruit
Self-Fertile: Yes
This information is accurate to the best of our knowledge. Comments and feedback are always welcome.