Click here for Medlar Care Guide
Mespilus germanica (Breda Giant)
The fruits of the Breda Giant resemble very large bronze rose hips. A relative of the pear, medlars are sometimes referred to as "northern loquats" due to their long, leathery green leaves. The Breda Giant is self-fertile, late-blooming, and produces showy white flowers. The tree is long-lived and compact in size.
Fruits are typically harvested firm in late fall, when the leaves begin to fall. In warmer areas, the fruits can blet (soften and ripen) directly on the tree. To store them, place the fruits in clean shavings, inside a box in a cool basement or on a porch. As the fruits ripen, their flesh becomes soft and takes on an applesauce-like texture with cinnamon notes. In Italy, they are known as "Nespoli."
While the fruits are mostly pest-free, they may occasionally be affected by quince or cedar apple rust.
Planting Recommendations
Plant Characteristics
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