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Click here for Strawberry Care Guide Fragaria vesca - Alexandra Alpine Strawberry The Alexandra alpine strawberry features deep red, flavorful fruits. This everbearing plant sets fruit buds when nighttime temperatures...
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Click Here for the Sweet Charlie Strawberry Careguide Fragaria annassa Sweet Charlie was the first patented variety to come out of University of Florida. Large conic fruit winning the taste...
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Fragaria annassa Introduced years ago, Earliglow still retains the high strawberry flavor of the heirloom varieties. Good sized berries and the earliest. Deep red color fruit and plants are disease...
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Fragaria x ananassa Seascape is a everbearing variety from the University of California. Large, firm berries with outstanding flavor. A day neutral* variety producing high yields, large fruit size, symmetry,...
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Fragaria annassa Introduced by George Darrow in 1923, Fairfax soon became a very popular variety because of its flavor. One of the top fresh tasting strawberries ever. Zones 4-8 Space...
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Fragaria virginiana The native Fragaria virginiana or Virginia native strawberry is a spring bearing, soft, highly flavored ground cover. Fruits are delicate with sweet aroma. Plants spread by runner plants...
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Fragaria annassa One of the best flavored continuous bearing strawberries from the eastern U.S. Disease resistant and productive. Introduced by USDA Beltsville and the University of Maryland in 1981, Tristar...
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