Flory Patio Peach
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Due to import restrictions we are unable to ship Flory Patio Peach to CA, WA...
Prunus persica (Flory Patio Peach)
Flory is a genetic dwarf green-leafed peach with showy double pink flowers. It is self-fertile and highly disease-resistant. The white freestone fruit ripens in the first week of September and is excellent when eaten fresh. The plant grows up to 5 feet tall and requires an 8-foot spacing. Suitable for Zones 5-8.
Plant Characteristics:
- Pest Resistance: Fair
- Disease Resistance: Good
- Drought Tolerance: Very Good
- Heat Tolerance: Good
- Humidity Tolerance: Good
- Sun Tolerance: Good
- Wet Soil Tolerance: Fair
- Shade Tolerance: Fair
- No Spray: Poor
- Salt Tolerance: Poor
- Fresh for Kids: Good
- Deer Resistance: Poor
- Thorns: No
Plant Type: Shrub
Soil Type: Adaptable
Edible Type: Fruit
Self-Fertile: Yes
This information is accurate to the best of our knowledge. Comments and opinions are always welcome.