Alden Grape
Click here for Grape Care Guide
Vitis labrusca Hybrid - Alden Grape
The Alden grape is a deep blue, Concord-colored variety with characteristics similar to California grapes. Its meaty, non-slip-skin texture resembles vinifera grapes, and the flavor is excellent. Joe Volk from Pennsylvania (North American Fruit Explorers) strongly recommended Alden as part of our offerings.
Growing Notes:
Size & Ripening: Alden grapes are among the largest of the American varieties, ripening a few weeks before Concord.
Pruning: Requires close pruning, leaving about half the buds compared to a pruned Concord.
Pest & Disease Management: Prone to black rot, so spraying (at least once) or bagging the clusters may be necessary.
Primary Use: Best for fresh eating.
Growing Requirements:
Zones: 5-7
Spacing: 6 feet apart on a 6-foot tall trellis.
Climate Adaptability: Thrives in moderate climates with good heat, drought, and sun tolerance.
Plant Characteristics:
Pest Resistance: Good
Disease Resistance: Good
Drought Tolerance: Good
Heat Tolerance: Good
Humidity Tolerance: Fair
Sun Tolerance: Good
Wet Soil Tolerance: Poor
Shade Tolerance: Poor
Salt Tolerance: Fair
Deer Resistance: Poor
Thorns: None
Plant Type: Vine
Soil Type: Adaptable
Edible Type: Fruit
Self-Fertile: Yes
Fresh for Kids: Excellent
Shipping Restrictions:
Due to import restrictions, we are unable to ship grapes to California, Europe, or Canada.
This information is accurate to the best of our knowledge. Comments and feedback are always welcome.