America Grape
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Vitis lincecumii x Vitis rupestris - "America" Grape Variety
The "America" grape is a hybrid of two American grape species, Vitis lincecumii and Vitis rupestris. This variety is known for its hardiness, capable of surviving temperatures as low as -30 to -35°F, making it suitable for colder climates like Minnesota. However, in such cooler summers, the fruit tends to be too acidic. Despite this, it could be considered a "universal" grape due to its excellent disease resistance, which allows it to thrive in the humid regions of the mid-South. The black berries produce colored juice and have a flavor reminiscent of black currants with a hint of wintergreen.
While "America" grapes are often planted alongside other varieties, I've never noticed the need for a pollinator. However, reports suggest that the variety has female flowers. We have ours planted next to a Mars Seedless grape, which is a perfect-flowered variety. Therefore, it’s best to plant "America" alongside another grape variety until this pollination detail is fully clarified.
Import Restrictions:
Due to import restrictions, we are unable to ship grapes to California, Europe, or Canada.
Plant Characteristics:
Pest Resistance: Very Good
Disease Resistance: Very Good
Drought Tolerance: Good
Heat Tolerance: Excellent
Humidity Tolerance: Excellent
Sun Tolerance: Excellent
Wet Soil Tolerance: Fair
Shade Tolerance: Fair
No Spray Requirement: Good
Salt Tolerance: Fair
Fresh for Kids: Very Good
Deer Resistance: Poor
Thorns: None
Plant Type: Vine
Soil Type: Adaptable
Edible Type: Fruit
Self-Fertile: Yes
This information is accurate to the best of our knowledge, and we welcome any comments or feedback.
Due to import restrictions we are unable to ship America Grape to CA...