Ben Lear Cranberry
Click here for Cranberry Care Guide
Vaccinium macrocarpon
A wild clone from Wisconsin. Early ripening with large to medium bright red fruit. Very productive and native. Space 1' apart in a circle. For clay soils, incorporate 80% moist peat into the top 4" of soil, then mulch with 1-2" of aged mulch for all cranberry varieties. Suitable for Zones 3-7.
Plant Characteristics
- Pest Resistance: Excellent
- Disease Resistance: Excellent
- Drought Tolerance: Poor
- Heat Tolerance: Fair
- Humidity Tolerance: Good
- Sun Tolerance: Good
- Wet Soil Tolerance: Good
- Shade Tolerance: Good
- No Spray: Excellent
- Salt Tolerance: Poor
- Fresh for Kids: Poor
- Deer Resistance: Fair
- Thorns: No
- Soil Type: High Organic Matter
- Edible Type: Fruit
- Self-Fertile: Yes
This information is accurate to the best of our knowledge. Comments and opinions are always welcome.
The American Cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon) offer tremendous potential for the home gardener. We already enjoy cranberries for the holidays and year-round in juice drinks. Now we can enjoy them in the landscape.
Contrary to popular belief, cranberries do not require a bog or wetland for successful culture, but are easy to grow in most Northwest upland soils. Plant as you would blueberries with moderate additions of acidic organic matter or sand to lighten heavy soils.
Plant 2 feet apart for a solid ground cover or use in hanging baskets or planters for a delicate cascading effect. Plant in full sun or partial shade for areas with hot summers. Protect from spring frosts for most consistent yields.