Beach Plum
Click here for Plum Care Guide
Beach Plum Prunus maritima
Due to import restrictions, we cannot ship Beach Plums to California, Washington, Europe, or Canada.
Beach Plums are native to the northeastern United States, thriving along coastal areas. Adaptable and hardy, these shrubs have been cultivated at our nursery for years. Their tart fruits are abundant and ideal for making jams and jellies.
The profuse white flowers bloom later than European, American, and Japanese plums, allowing them to escape late frosts. Additionally, Beach Plums are generally not affected by plum curculio, as the insect's egg-laying cycle ends before the fruit sets. The fruits are also resistant to brown rot fungus.
Beach Plums grow as compact shrubs, reaching 6 feet in height and width. They are low-maintenance, long-lived, and thrive in USDA Zones 5–7. Two plants are needed for proper pollination.
Plant Characteristics
Pest Resistance: Very Good
Disease Resistance: Excellent
Drought Tolerance: Very Good
Heat Tolerance: Excellent
Humidity Tolerance: Excellent
Sun Tolerance: Excellent
Wet Soil Tolerance: Poor
Shade Tolerance: Fair
No Spray: Very Good
Salt Tolerance: Excellent
Fresh for Kids: Fair
Deer Resistance: Fair
Thorns: No
Plant Type
Type: Shrub
Soil Type: Adaptable
Edible Type: Fruit
Self-Fertile: No
This information is accurate to the best of our knowledge. Comments and opinions are always welcome.