Franeaux Rosemary
Rosemary officinalis (Franeaux)
This variety of rosemary features darker green foliage and a more compact growth habit compared to the "Arp" variety. It is highly ornamental, growing up to 4 feet tall, and serves as an excellent specimen plant in the garden or when trained as a standard.
When planted in a sheltered location away from winter winds, it can withstand temperatures down to single digits (Zone 6-8). Allow at least a 4-foot diameter for spacing.
Plant Characteristics
Pest Resistance: Excellent
Disease Resistance: Excellent
Drought Tolerance: Very Good
Heat Tolerance: Very Good
Humidity Tolerance: Good
Sun Tolerance: Very Good
Wet Soil Tolerance: Poor
Shade Tolerance: Fair
No Spray: Excellent
Salt Tolerance: Good
Deer Resistance: Very Good
Thorns: No
Growing Conditions
- Soil Type: Well-drained
- Edible Type: Leaves
- Self-Fertile: Yes
Zones: 6-8
- Hardy in a protected area from winter winds.
- Excellent for culinary and ornamental uses.
This information is accurate to the best of our knowledge. Feedback and additional comments are always welcome.