Morus alba Weeping mulberry in landscape A black fruiting weeper. Mature tree size 12' tall and wide. Get one for the kids, they make great playhouses! Or, how about...
Punica granatum Dr. Chris Inhulsen, Montezuma, Ga., tested Russian pomegranates and found they survived winters where the popular "Wonderful" variety killed to the ground. The plants were reported to take...
Asparagus officnalis Jersey Knight asparagus have extra large sprouts since no plant energy goes into seed production. Highly productive male plants are disease resistant, and adaptable. Plant site should have...
Vaccinium species x O'Neal's large dark blue fruit is considered the best tasting of the southern highbush varieties and flavor will not deteriorate under hot weather conditions. Fruit size is...
Ficus carica Also known in the South as the "Sugar Fig". A Southern tradition, long-lived and hardy, Celeste's reputation comes from many generations of people that have grown this fig....
Rubus species(ideaus) Caroline is a large, conic, well-flavored, red raspberry. More disease resistant and with larger, earlier fruits than most everbearers. Sweeter fruits than most red raspberries. Ripens August till...
Vaccinum ashei Tifblue is a well known standard for southern blueberries. It is most dependable and adaptable. Beautiful fall leaf color. Berries that stay on the bush get sweeter and...
Sambucus nigra Dark purple-black leaves and pink flower clusters. Foliage stays dark throughout the growing season. Very ornamental. Resists leaf diseases. A European elderberry that fruits best with another European...
Diospyros kaki Hachiya is a large, top shaped fruit, up to 4" long. The fruits skin is glossy, deep orange red, and beautiful as it matures. Soft when ripe, rich...
Diospyros kaki Translation; very sweet. Can be eaten hard. Early ripening, flat-lobed, deep orange fruit on medium size tree from Sunchow, Korea. Should be considered for an east coast commercial...
Ficus carica Does well in large pots and fruits well in Northern areas such as Long Island, N.Y. Very good against walls in Northern areas. Brown fruit with amber flesh....
Sambucus canadensis Adams is a native elderberry. Very juicy, purple berries, excellent for elixirs, pies, syrups, wine, etc. Late ripening and a heavy producer. Zones 3-9. Pollinates with other native elderberries....