Allegheny Pawpaw®
Click here for Pawpaw Care Guide
Asimina triloba Allegheny® Pawpaw
The Allegheny Pawpaw is known for its medium fleshiness, early ripening, and a seed ratio of approximately 8% by weight. Its flavor is sweet, rich, with a hint of citrus, and the texture is medium firm and smooth. The flesh color is yellow. Fruits are typically less than 8 oz in size. The tree is highly productive, which can lead to smaller fruit sizes. To maintain fruit size above 8 oz, fruit thinning is recommended. Despite the smaller size and higher seed count, it has become a favorite among those who have tasted it. Customer demand led Neal Peterson to introduce this variety, even though it doesn't meet his usual standards for size and seed count.
Plant Characteristics:
- Pest Resistance: Excellent
- Disease Resistance: Excellent
- Drought Tolerance: Good
- Heat Tolerance: Excellent
- Humidity Tolerance: Excellent
- Sun Tolerance: Excellent
- Wet Soil Tolerance: Excellent
- Shade Tolerance: Very Good
- No Spray: Excellent
- Salt Tolerance: Fair
- Fresh for Kids: Excellent
- Deer Resistance: Good
- Thorns: No
- Plant Type: Tree
- Soil Type: Adaptable
- Edible Type: Fruit
- Self-Fertile: No
Hardiness Zone: 5-8
Spacing: 12' circle
Note: The Allegheny Pawpaw is trademarked by Peterson Pawpaw. This information is accurate to the best of our knowledge. Comments and opinions are always welcome.