Crimson Night Raspberry
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Rubus ideaus (Crimson Night)
The Crimson Night raspberry is an ornamental variety with dark purple canes and large, dark red-purple berries. It is well-suited for container growing and was introduced by Cornell University in 2012. This plant is known for its prolific, flavorful berries and excellent disease resistance. Zone 4-8.
Crimson Night produces two heavy crops of berries. The first crop, from previous year's canes (Floricanes), ripens in mid-summer. The second crop, from new canes (Primocanes), ripens in late summer to early fall. To maximize production, avoid cutting back or damaging the Floricanes during winter.
Plant Characteristics:
- Pest Resistance: Very Good
- Disease Resistance: Excellent
- Drought Tolerance: Good
- Heat Tolerance: Very Good
- Humidity Tolerance: Very Good
- Sun Tolerance: Good
- Wet Soil Tolerance: Poor
- Shade Tolerance: Fair
- No Spray: Excellent
- Salt Tolerance: Fair
- Fresh for Kids: Excellent
- Deer Resistance: Good
- Thorns: Yes
- Soil Type: Well-drained
- Edible Type: Berry
- Self-fertile: Yes
This information is accurate to the best of our knowledge, comments/opinions are always welcome.