Glenndale Gooseberry
Ribes hirtellum x grossularia (Glenndale)
The Glenndale gooseberry is an excellent variety that tolerates hot summers better than most gooseberries. It is highly disease-resistant and immune to mildew. Derived from European and Native American parent varieties, it has great vigor and productive fruiting. The fruit is purple-red, with a fine flavor, and the plant is thorny. It ripens early in the season. The shrub grows to a height of 3 to 6 feet and spreads to 5 feet. Best suited for Zones 4-7.
Plant Characteristics:
- Pest Resistance: Very Good
- Disease Resistance: Very Good
- Drought Tolerance: Good
- Heat Tolerance: Good
- Humidity Tolerance: Very Good
- Sun Tolerance: Good
- Wet Soil Tolerance: Poor
- Shade Tolerance: Very Good
- No Spray: Very Good
- Salt Tolerance: Poor
- Fresh for Kids: Fair
- Thorns: Yes
- Plant Type: Shrub
- Soil Type: Adaptable
- Edible Type: Fruit
- Self-Fertile: Yes
This information is accurate to the best of our knowledge. Comments and feedback are always welcome!