Harcot Apricot
Click here for Apricot Care Guide
Prunus armeniaca 'Harcot' – Harcot Apricot
Note: Due to import restrictions, we are unable to ship Harcot Apricot to California and Europe.
Harcot originates from the Harrow Fruit Station in Southern Ontario, Canada. It is frost-hardy and late-blooming, making it more resilient in colder climates. This variety is resistant to brown rot and perennial canker.
The fruit is medium to large with a sweet, juicy, and rich flavor—considered one of the best.
- Spacing: Plant within a 14-foot circle
- USDA Zones: 5–8
Growing Notes:
- When planted alone, fruit set may be low.
- In some regions, fruit can be lost to late frosts, making it not regularly dependable.
- Susceptible to Prunus-related insects and diseases.
- Always a beautiful bloomer in spring.
Plant Characteristics:
- Pest Resistance: Poor
- Disease Resistance: Fair
- Drought Tolerance: Fair
- Heat Tolerance: Good
- Humidity Tolerance: Fair
- Sun Tolerance: Excellent
- Wet Soil Tolerance: Poor
- Shade Tolerance: Poor
- No Spray: Poor
- Salt Tolerance: Poor
- Fresh for Kids: Excellent
- Deer Resistance: Fair
- Thorns: No
- Plant Type: Tree
- Soil Type: Adaptable
- Self-Fertile: Yes
This information is accurate to the best of our knowledge. Comments and feedback are always welcome!