Kaj-Acik-Anor Pomegranate
Punica granatum 'Kaj-acik-anor' (Cray-a-keek-a-nor)
A very cold-hardy pomegranate variety producing heavy crops of large, round fruits with high sugar content and a well-balanced acidity. This Uzbek-Tadzhik selection is known for its vigorous growth and excellent fruit quality. It was one of the most successful "Russian" varieties (aka R9) at the Ponder Farm trials conducted by the University of Georgia in the 1970s.
Plant Characteristics
- Size & Spacing: Grows as a large, vigorous shrub; space 10' circle
- Hardiness: Zones 7-8
- Fruit: Large, round, high-sugar fruit with a balanced acidity; long-keeping
- Pest Resistance: Excellent
- Disease Resistance: Very Good
- Drought Tolerance: Good
- Heat Tolerance: Excellent
- Humidity Tolerance: Very Good
- Sun Tolerance: Excellent
- Wet Soil Tolerance: Poor
- Shade Tolerance: Poor
- No Spray Required: Excellent
- Salt Tolerance: Fair
- Fresh for Kids: Very Good
- Deer Resistance: Good
- Thorns: No
- Plant Type: Shrub
- Soil Type: Well-drained
- Edible Type: Fruit
- Self-Fertile: Yes
This information is accurate to the best of our knowledge. Comments and opinions are always welcome.