Click here for Asparagus Care Guide Asparagus officinalis - Jersey Knight Jersey Knight asparagus produces extra-large sprouts, as no energy is used for seed production. These highly productive male plants...
Rheum rhaponticum Seed grown Victoria rhubarb has large green stalks, stained red. Extremely heavy producer. Space 2'-3' circle. It is a perennial large leafed plant, pretty in its season. Good...
Helianthus tuberosus Jerusalem Artichoke, also called Sunchoke, is a tall perennial in the sunflower family, with edible tubers high in vitamins and minerals. Sunchoke is not a traditional artichoke. Long...
Allium cepa variant aggregatum, aka Potato onion. Forms a cluster of irregular shape of underground bulbs. Some bulbs may be 2 to 3" in diameter, but most are small. Thick...
Apios Americana A graceful native tuber producing perennial vine of twining habit, blooming fragrant maroon chocolate flowers. Usually dug up in the winter months, the sweet, starchy tubers are eaten...