Aloe Vera
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Aloe Vera (Aloaceae)
Native to the Southwestern United States, Aloe Vera is commonly grown in pots in the Eastern U.S. for its medicinal uses. It's an excellent choice for a houseplant, with its size controlled by the pot it’s grown in. Aloe Vera has many uses, including: salves, burn/sunburn treatment, insect bites, and health drinks.
USDA Hardiness Zones: 8-11
Plant Characteristics
Pest Resistance: Excellent
Disease Resistance: Excellent
Drought Tolerance: Very Good
Heat Tolerance: Excellent
Humidity Tolerance: Excellent
Sun Tolerance: Fair
Wet Soil Tolerance: Poor
Shade Tolerance: Good
No Spray: Excellent
Salt Tolerance: Fair
Thorns: No
Soil Type: Well-drained
Edible Type: Stalk
Self-fertile: Yes