Showing 97 - 108 of 154 result
Corylus americana A pretty hedge bush 6-8 feet tall. Native to the eastern U.S. Two plants are needed to set fruit. Very showy catkins in spring. Sweet small nuts ripen...
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Mespilus germanica Breda Giant's fruits resemble very, very large bronze rose hips. A relative of the pear, medlars are sometimes referred to as northern loquat because of their long green...
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Diospyrus virginiana x kaki One of the top plant introductions to date, Nikita's Gift is a Ukrainian cross of American persimmon and Asian persimmon created at Nikita Botanic Garden in...
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Native American Purple Leaf Filberts or Hazelnut are a purple form selection of American Filbert. A beautiful and edible addition to the yard, this deciduous shrub will naturalize, producing edible...
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Fragaria annassa Introduced by George Darrow in 1923, Fairfax soon became a very popular variety because of its flavor. One of the top fresh tasting strawberries ever. Zones 4-8 Space...
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Actinidia arguta Early maturing, Dumbarton Oaks hardy kiwi ripens three weeks before Anna. One of our favorites! Original vine growing in Georgetown, Washington DC. Only Fifty Five female kiwi ripens...
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Rubus Spp Chester is an early, fine tasting, semi erect thornless blackberry. I remember sampling Chester when it was a numbered seedling at the University of Maryland's Cherry Hill Research...
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Diospyrus kaki Early ripening Fuyu type. Ripens before Ichi and Maekawa Jiro. Usually sold in stores as Fuyu, though it is this early ripening selection. Excellent flavor having high sugars....
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Prunus avium Ripens a bit latter than Kristin or Sam. An excellent pollinator for other varieties such as Kristin and Ulster. Blooms with Stella, Sam and Rainier, though Rainier is...
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Actinidia arguta A male kiwi that pollinates all of our Actinidia arguta varieties. Zone 5-8 Space 15' on 6' trellis Plant Characteristics Pest Resistance Excellent Disease Resistance Excellent Drought Tolerance...
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Prunus salicina X angustifolia Early fruiting open spreading small tree. A cross between Japanese plum and native Chickasaw. Ripens before Methley. Brown rot resistant. Introduce in 1921 by A. L....
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Rubus ideaus x  Released by Geneva Experimental Station, Geneva NY 1982. The most popular purple raspberry. Very large fruit. High quality and sweet. Good fresh and excellent canned. A late-season...
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Showing 97 - 108 of 154 result
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