Bala Mursal Pomegranate
Click here for Pomegranate Care Guide
Punica Bala Mursal - A Premium Variety for Juicing
Bala Mursal is self-fertile, grows up to 10 feet tall, and produces the darkest red arils of the hardier varieties. It thrives in USDA Hardiness Zones 7–9, with a recommended spacing of 10-foot circles.
Plant Characteristics:
Pest Resistance: Excellent
Disease Resistance: Excellent
Drought Tolerance: Very Good
Heat Tolerance: Excellent
Humidity Tolerance: Excellent
Sun Tolerance: Excellent
Wet Soil Tolerance: Poor
Shade Tolerance: Poor
No Spray: Excellent
Salt Tolerance: Fair
Fresh for Kids: Very Good
Plant Type: Shrub
Soil Type: Well-Drained
Edible Type: Fruit
Self-Fertile: Yes
This information is accurate to the best of our knowledge, and we welcome any comments or feedback.