Li Jujube
Zizyphus jujuba ‘Li’ (Li Jujube)
Li Jujube produces large, oval, mahogany-colored fruits that ripen in September. The fruit is crisp and sweet when fresh and can also be dried, candied, or used in Asian cuisine. The tree features glossy green leaves and small, fragrant yellow flowers that bloom in June, escaping late spring frosts. The scent is reminiscent of grape soda.
This compact, round tree grows up to 15 feet tall and is easy to grow, requiring minimal care with no major pest issues. It thrives in various conditions and does not require spraying. However, the rootstock may produce suckers, especially if the soil around the plant is disturbed.
- Spacing: 10'–15' circle
- Hardiness Zones: 6–9
Plant Characteristics
- Pest Resistance: Excellent
- Disease Resistance: Excellent
- Drought Tolerance: Very Good
- Heat Tolerance: Very Good
- Humidity Tolerance: Very Good
- Sun Tolerance: Very Good
- Wet Soil Tolerance: Fair
- Shade Tolerance: Fair
- No Spray: Excellent
- Salt Tolerance: Good
- Fresh for Kids: Very Good
- Deer Resistance: Good
- Plant Type: Tree
- Soil Type: Adaptable
- Edible Type: Fruit
- Self-Fertile: Yes
This information is accurate to the best of our knowledge. Comments and opinions are always welcome.