LSU Purple Fig
LSU Purple Fig (Ficus carica)
LSU Purple is a highly reliable and prolific fig variety, producing delicious fruit from early to late season. Developed for adaptability, it thrives in the fluctuating weather of the South and performs exceptionally well in Virginia Beach. Ideal for containers, it can bear fruit as soon as growth begins, making it a great choice for home growers.
For the best flavor, harvest figs a few days after they turn black, wrinkle, and elongate. It is well-suited for Zones 7-9 and has fruited successfully in our Zone 7 nursery.
Plant Characteristics:
- Pest Resistance: Very Good
- Disease Resistance: Very Good
- Drought Tolerance: Very Good
- Heat Tolerance: Excellent
- Humidity Tolerance: Good
- Sun Tolerance: Excellent
- Wet Soil Tolerance: Fair
- Shade Tolerance: Poor
- No Spray: Good
- Salt Tolerance: Good
- Fresh for Kids: Excellent
- Deer Resistance: Good
- Thorns: No
- Plant Type: Shrub
- Soil Type: Well Drained
- Edible Type: Fruit
- Self Fertile: Yes
This information is accurate to the best of our knowledge. Comments and opinions are always welcome.